Cosimo Damiano Delcuratolo

Why is ice "hot"? The burning sensation that is felt when you touch something very cold is caused by particular cutaneous receptors (the ionic channels TRPM8 and TRPA1) which are activated already at temperatures below 15 ° C, and which increase the intensity of their action via away that the cold becomes more intense. These receptors (which also respond to chemicals that are potentially harmful to the skin) activate neurons that send painful stimuli to the brain. The nerve pathways and brain centers that elaborate the signal and carry it to a conscious level are partly superimposable on those that also perceive intense heat: for this reason, especially at extreme temperatures (very hot or very cold), the two sensations may appear similar .

Cosimo Damiano Delcuratolo

Solamente qui troverai Film 4k e FullHd a risoluzioni 2160p e 1080P per goderti lo spettacolo sul tuo TV di Casa come fossi al Cinema.

Cosimo Damiano Delcuratolo

Il messaggio che inaugurò le trasmissioni della Rai in tv venne trasmesso il 3 gennaio 1954 alle 11 del mattino. Lo ha pronunciato la conduttrice Fulvia Colombo, la prima delle celebri “Signorine Buonasera”, le annunciatrici che ogni giorno illustravano la programmazione Rai, dopo aver augurato al pubblico un radioso e gioviale “Buonasera!”.

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