Immacolata Anacarso

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Immacolata Anacarso

Good morning and have a good start for this week today I talk you about coffee .. Espresso or american coffee.. in the years Science changed its opinion about coffee. If in 1991 IARC- International Agency for Reasearch of Cancer, classified that drink like a potential carcinogenic, today consuming coffee seems protect from some types of cancer like liver and endometrial cancers. Today dubts about coffee are for cardiovascular diseases. One coffee contain about 80 mg of caffeine and one person can assume till 400 mg of caffeine without problems, so it is important don't drink more than 5 coffee por day. Coffee actually, is a good friend to fight fatigue, to remain active and concentrate and can help with water retention in the legs. Nutritionally has a content of Kcal almost null, no fats but a cup of coffee contains a good quantity of magnesium.

Immacolata Anacarso

My homemade "cornetti"

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