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Founder Starter

This is a book about Camille's self-development and how she made her life better.

2019-02-20 07:25:58

“Your second life begins when you realise you only have one” is the story of Camille, a woman in her best years... She is successful, but still feels that something is wrong in her life. One day, her car stops on the road... She looks for help and meets a kind-looking “routinologist“... Truly inspiring and enjoyable!

Books and more...

Founder Starter

Its a funny guide into persons characters, dividing them in four: red, yellow, green and blue.

2019-02-13 07:03:59

In many books, types of persons, or rather character types, are divided into four or more. But in this book it is done by dividing the types into four colors: red, yellow, green and blue. Red is characterized by speed both in thinking and in movement, impatience, maximum efficiency at work, directness in communication that others tend to regard as tactless. Reds are ambitious, straight-line, very competitive, competing even with themselves so they don't get bored. For them, "hello" or "goodbye" is a waste of time; if you want to get along with them, just get to the point. Apparently you already realized, that this is a boss type, which is usually not tolerated and red is the type that thinks yellow has a big mouth, who actually does nothing; greens are foolish lazy queens and blue sluggish pedant, in other words, a flock of idiots, for whom everything has to be done. The yellow ones, on the other hand, are the popular types, the sunbeams that people admire and are the good company to be with, because they make fun, always tell exciting stories, which get upgraded versions, that change slightly with every telling, but it doesn't make them less charming. Yellow has lots of airy ideas, which he usually does not execute. Yellow loves to talk and never gets enough attention from admirers, life is a party and every moment has to be enjoyed. As you can see, the yellow is the optimistic type, similar to the sangvinic type, when the red one could be compared to a choleric. Green is slower, shy, compassionate, hospitable, faithful companion, rather subordinate, red one says that he spends more time on whining and making the face like he would work, than actually on working. In fact, people are mostly green, except for the few outstanding red and yellow ones. Because the blue is unobtrusive, always keeping a low profile, thorough, silent, shy, slow, so-called engineer type. In order for the work to be done, and the party to be held, really all types are needed: if somebody at the meeting starts to look at his phone quite soon and ask when the meeting is over, it is red one, who has already thought everything through and is getting bored, but more likely he manages the meeting. Of course, the one arriving in the middle of the meeting and starts proposing airy ideas, is yellow, if he remembered to step by at all. Blue one sits in the back row and keeps taking notes. The green ones are those who agree, no matter what the boss says, but during a break put their heads together and whisper, that it sucks,too much work and the boss is the biggest tyrant. The yellow thinks that the meeting should be organized in a spa, and he has many nice ideas that the red one conciders stupid, and the blue begins to worry, how everyone gets there and where are they going to stay overnight and other insignificant details, so the greens are the ones who come to help and pick up the people with their cars. It is important at the party that the red ones get enough alcohol, without they are unbearable as usual; if you give them too much, they can become aggressive. Blue is rarely seen on parties, but he should be enlived with alcohol. Yellow is the one who organized the party, but forgot to come, because he had planned several other events for the same day, or he appears at the end of the party. There is no need to give alcohol to the yellow, otherwise he may just get tired and sink under the table. Some alcohol can be given to the greens, making them more free and fun. If it inspired you to read the book, you can follow my channel.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

Books about brain researches, that are written comprehensibly and excitingly for ordinary people, are my favorites.

2019-02-11 12:34:45

It turns out, that there is nothing more important for the brain than to move ourselves; memory games, crossword puzzles, and other thought exercises are not as effective as training. Physical activity makes the thoughts move faster, reduces stress, and produces new young brain cells, while a depressed person does not produce enough. In 10,000 years, the human brain has not changed much, but the lifestyle has become more sedentary and our brain does not like that. One of the most exciting brain researches in the eyes of this writer was one that looked at the brain of people with a magnetic camera, a device that can be used to look at the work of brain without harming the patient, when one thinks and does other activities. The aim of the study was to understand how aging affects the brain; walking a couple of times a week for older people instead made the brain biologically younger; execute control improved, which, among other things, concerns initiative, concentration and planning. Old brain cells die constantly and new ones are formed; new connections between cells occur when we deal with certain things or often think of something specific, then these connections become stronger. Connections, which are no longer used, will be interrupted. Small kids have the most connections, which is actually surprising given that the associations are created by thinking and acting. When the child gets older, the connections, that are not in use, will be interrupted. Up to 20 million connections, that are not in use, will be lost every day, from the age of 3 until teenage, to make room for others, which the signal passes through. So brain work is not determined by the number of brain cells, nor by the number of connections, but the strength of connection between various parts of the brain, which is adversely affected, for example, by smoking and abuse of alcohol or drugs. The myth, that we use only 10 percent of our brain, is long overdue; we use the whole brain, just the different parts of the brain during different activities. In order for us to be able to do all our activities as well as possible, different areas of the brain need to be well connected, which is greatly facilitated by movement. When you look at the brain of a person with aggressive behavior or abusing alcohol and drugs, the connections are weak. Why do children have all the skills so easily? Because their cells have the extraordinary ability to quickly connect and interrupt each other. How do you get stress and what to do? In stressful situations, small parts that look like almonds (which are 2 and located in one of the two hemispheres of the brain) warn our bodies that there is a threat. As a result, the level of cortisol in the blood rises, which in turn makes these parts even more active, so that the stress begins to produce itself, which eventually causes panic. There are braking mechanisms against it, one of which is located in our memory center (hippocampus), the other in the forehead. Stress hormone cortisol is a poison for the hippocampus and if the production of this hormone takes place continuously (for months or years), the hippocampus begins to dry up as its cells get destroyed, resulting in deterioration of memory and a shrinking hippocampus that is unable to slow down the nervous system so well that eventually the so-called almonds can hurt the brain. Active movement is actually a stress for the body and training helps the body to get used to cortisol. After the workout, the cortisol level drops and no longer rises so high, good results can be expected in a couple of months, but the feeling is better after every workout, for example for a couple of hours the ability to concentrate is good. After the workout, the production of happyness hormones takes place. That's how new brain cells can be produced, but the new brain cells are boisterous and stormy, jumping like 3-year-olds, which shoud cause anxiety, but the brain also produces so-called nanny-neutrons who soothe them. I've never been a running fan, but listening to audio-books makes it fun.

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