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Founder Starter

The beauty of winter...

2020-03-12 09:58:33

In cold and dark times we need the light, we need to do the things we love and what inspires us. This year we had only a couple of snowing days, but I was able to find some grate photographers, who captured this moments of cold beauty. This photoshoot I had with Rivo Mause in Tallinn park Kadriorg.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

Одна волшебная фотосессия в прекрасный снежный день в Таллинне...

2020-03-11 09:12:46

Мы фотографировались в парке Кадриорг во время снегопада, и фотографом был Риво Маусe.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

A book recommendation, that shows us the path to a relaxed and fluid life from Leo Babauta.

2020-03-09 11:45:29

The book was published in english in 2011, “The Effortless LIfe“ and has been written collectively with the interest of people around the world. Since Leo Babauta is the author of the popular website “Zen Habits“, many users have contributed to the compilation and editing of this book.

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