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Founder Starter

Halloween is almost here!

2019-10-24 08:23:47

Don't forget the costumes and decorations! For children its very important and they enjoy every detail. Last years it is becoming popular also for grownups all over Europe, so be prepared! This photo is made by Andres Neumann. We had a nice Halloween photo shoot year ago.

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Founder Starter

Осень в Эстонии в самом разгаре с ветрами и прохладной погодой.

2019-10-23 09:21:59

Пришло время взять темную помаду и выйти, чтобы сфотографировать цвета осени. Эти фотографии сделала Китти Адам, которая любит фотографировать природу и людей и имеет аккаунт и здесь.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

Lorna Byrne - a woman, who communicates with angels and has written several books about it.

2019-10-21 10:19:07

Lorna Byrne, an Irish woman, has lived surrounded by spirit beings all her life. She has the ability to see angels, the souls of dead people, and to see some upcoming events.

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