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Цвета эстонского флага

2019-03-20 17:31:02

Поскольку в Эстонии большую часть года бывает такой вид, понятно, откуда берутся цвета эстонского флага. Я хожу каждый день бегать в природе гдето час -это 10 км и иногда делаю несколько фотографий. Вот ещё одна фотография, когда на улице было -17 градусов.

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Founder Starter

A profound philosophical book, that teaches us to live consciously, enjoying every step and every breath.

2019-03-19 18:22:12

The essence of Thich Nhat Hanh's message is, that peace is not external or something, that should be sought and achieved. It is enough to live consciously, slow down the pace, to enjoy every activity and moment. Thich Nhat Hanh was born in 1926 in Vietnam and became a Buddhist monk in 1942. Martin Luther King junior has told, that he doesn't know anyone, who would be more worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, than this noble monk from Vietnam. His doctrine focuses on conscious breathing - being aware of every breath - and through it, also of daily conscious actions. Conscious dish washing is just as profound as a deep bow or lighting up the incense. He also says, that smiling relaxes hundreds of muscles in our body, calling it "mouth yoga" - and researches have also confirmed, that if we relax our facial muscles, like when we laugh or smile, our nervous system will respond the same way as with true joy. He advises every free moment to practice a conscious breathing, saying "I relax, while i breathe in" and " I smile, while i breathe out". Already a few minutes are helpful, but he suggests reminders, such as a phone ring (which might otherwise cause anxiety: the idea of not knowing, who is calling and what has happened), or the red light in traffic would be to us like signals, that remind us to practice soothing conscious breathing. This book is based on Thich Nhat Hanh's lectures, published and unpublished writings and private conversations with friends. If we breathe consciously, our thinking slows down and so we can enjoy a real relaxation. Thinking is, of course, important, but most of the thoughts are useless, so there is a constant noise in our brain, which would be useful to try to turn off from time to time. By consciously breathing, we stop thinking for the moment, because saying "in" and "out" is not thinking, these are just words, that help us focus on our breathing. In this way, breathing and focusing for a few minutes, we get fresh and calm again. Often we say to ourselves, "Don't just sit there, do something!". But then we discover, that much more helpful can be the opposite: "Don't do anything, just sit there!". The book also describes in an interesting way, for example, the nature of hope. Hope has an important role to play, because it makes the present moments more tolerable. If we believe, that tomorrow will be better, we will be able to bear today's difficulties more easily. However, by hanging on to our forward-looking hope, we are still not directing our energy to the present moment, hope will become an obstacle, we do not enjoy the moment, though it is the only one, that we currently have and we could instead discover the joy, that actually exists all the time, especially when we think of all the things, that we can be thankful for. The book teaches us to cope better with our negative feelings, by highlighting different stages of the angers appearance for example, becoming aware of anger and its release. If we focus our attention on breathing, while detecting our anger and consciously observing it, the anger can no longer dominate our consciousness. Being aware of our anger, we don't push it down or away. Awareness only watches over it. So it is better to try not to think about the situation or person, that caused the anger, and to try not to do or say anything, until the anger persists in us. This way, we avoid all kinds of damage, that we would later regret. Expressing the anger by beating the pillow may be a relief for a moment, but the roots of anger remain, and if something happens to feed them in the future, it will grow again. The book teaches us, how to deal with our different emotions by meditating and being aware of our thoughts and contains many other interesting things. I read it for the second time at the moment, it is good to remind myself, how useful it is to smile and how many things and values and qualities-skills we have, that we can be thankful for.

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Вкусный и полезный завтрак

2019-03-19 16:23:59

Если не хватает идей, что приготовить на завтрак, вот тёплый сэндвич с козьим сыром со слегка жареным яйцом, крем из авокадо (более мягкий авокадо, молодой сыр без лактозы, тертый чеснок, соль, перец, лимон) и с листьями салата.

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