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Founder Starter

Exercise and moving doubles the production of new brain cells.

2020-02-12 21:07:49

For anyone interested in reading more about the impact of sports on our brain, I would first recommend Anders Hansen's book, "The Real Happy Pill", which mainly talks about how moving strengthens our brain and maintains our mental health.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

Exercise and moving doubles the production of new brain cells.

2020-02-12 21:07:49

For anyone interested in reading more about the impact of sports on our brain, I would first recommend Anders Hansen's book, “The Real Happy Pill“, which mainly talks about how moving strengthens our brain and maintains our mental health.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

A book, that helps us understand, what's going on with us while we are asleep...

2020-02-11 11:23:33

The book was originally published in Germany in 2014 "Träume - Eine Reise in unsere innere Wirklichkeit", but translated in other langages. As I had previously read the book "The Science of Happiness" by this author and it became one of my favorite books, I was happy to find this book in audio.

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