Books and more...

Founder Starter

One book about the laws of nature and natural healing, originally published in norvegian, but translated into several languages.

2019-12-18 09:41:20

The book was originally published in Norway in 2007 by three authors: Trine Helgerud (born in Oslo), Bent Madsen (born in Denmark) and Dagfrid Kola (born in western Norway) and translated into several languages.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

Одна красочная фотосессия в Тарту

2019-12-12 11:38:40

Фотографом был Сандер Тоом. Мы сфотографировали на железнодорожной станции Тарту, что если идет дождь, мы можем укрыться от дождя.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

One pretty interesting and unusual book, that talks about the omnipotence of our consciousness.

2019-12-11 13:38:56

The book was published in english in 2013 and talks about the use of consciousness, remote viewing, remote influence and transdimensional communication.

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