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One book about the laws of nature and natural healing, originally published in norvegian, but translated into several languages.

2019-12-18 09:41:20

The book was originally published in Norway in 2007 by three authors: Trine Helgerud (born in Oslo), Bent Madsen (born in Denmark) and Dagfrid Kola (born in western Norway) and translated into several languages.

More and more scientists and doctors are accepting scientific researches, which show, that traumatic life situations are reflected in the brain and the nervous-, hormonal- and immune system, including DNA cells.

Metamedicine combines knowledge from many fields into a comprehensive model, that describes the disease process as a whole, as well as its individual phases. The model can be explained by five laws of nature.

The first law of nature describes the beginning of disease processes with the shock of an emotional conflict.

The second law of nature describes two phases: the conflict phase, which is dominated by the sympathetic nervous system, and the healing phase, where the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant.

The third law explains how each organ and tissue responds to each stage of the disease.

The fourth law shows, how microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses are the natural biological assistants in the healing phase.

And the fifth natures law shows, how all disease processes take place for a specific purpose. It describes the principle of life evolution and the content of metamedicine.

Metamedicine gives us the insight into how to launch human inner healing resources. Understanding the laws of nature can also help us get rid of the fear, that I may have a serious illness or that the illness may come back.

When we fight a disease, we create stress and that will make us even more sick.

The book contains true stories of people, who have suffered from serious illnesses such as cancer. They tell their story and how they finally won the cancer. Originally with the help of conventional medicine, but then the cancer came back again and again. So they began to look for its causes and alternative treatments and realized, that cancer could not come back unless there were new emotional conflicts and shocks. It helped them live healthy and without fear.

Interestingly, some sick persons family and friends didn't even know they had cancer, but instead said they looked shamelessly good and fresh, and had no idea, that they were sick. It is commonly believed, that cancer patients are very ill and in really bad condition. This is the case with those undergoing surgery and receiving radiation or chemotherapy. Probably in the future people will look back at this treatments with dread, but at the moment many people do not know much about alternative treatments.

The book also provides information from a variety of specialists on the causes of diseases, the placebo effect, genes or psychosomatics.

In the case of metamedicine, treatment means, above all, getting in touch with suppressed feelings and working through the emotional level of the conflict, that caused the illness. This is complemented by a variety of therapies such as mind field therapy, energy field balancing, and zone therapy. From time to time it is also a good help to take food supplements or herbs.

I listened to this book a few years ago in audio. Now, as I write this review, I started to listen to it again and since there is a lot of information and the information is very concise, most things sound as new.