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Founder Starter

The walks in nature, sports and all kind of moving makes us happy and smart...

2020-01-24 10:53:10

This photo was taken by a sports photographer Johannes Paul Tamm. Exercise makes you happy and smart, gives you good health, improves memory, concentration and creativity, and slows down brain aging or even makes your brain younger.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

The walks in nature, sports and all kind of moving makes us happy and smart...

2020-01-24 10:53:10

This photo was taken by a sports photographer Johannes Paul Tamm. Exercise makes you happy and smart, gives you good health, improves memory, concentration and creativity, and slows down brain aging or even makes your brain younger.

Books and more...

Founder Starter

The past can be dark and the future might be bright, but all we really have is NOW...

2020-01-23 11:56:22

This sunday we had a photo shoot with a photographer from Pärnu - Marten Jaan Martšenkov in the newly completed Victims of Communism Memorial in the Maarjamäe neighbourhood of Tallinn. He likes photos with a story and message and here are some of the results.

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