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The walks in nature, sports and all kind of moving makes us happy and smart...

2020-01-24 10:53:10

This photo was taken by a sports photographer Johannes Paul Tamm. Exercise makes you happy and smart, gives you good health, improves memory, concentration and creativity, and slows down brain aging or even makes your brain younger.

Already half an hour of active exercise a day is very good for the body, but it is even more beneficial for mental health. Exercise causes the brain cells to regenerate and helps you think faster. A lot of effort will help your body to get used to stress so that a real stress is not so exhausting and you can deal with it in a much better way. After exertion, the body begins to produce hormones of well-being so that the mood gets better and the creativity and willpower also improves with the release of dopamine.

Movement affects all organs, but most of all our brain. Neither memory training nor solving sudokus or crosswords affects the brain as positively as physical activity.

A daily 20-30 minute walk in the open air helps to treat and prevent depression.

Well-being hormone levels rise after exercise and last for 1-2 hours, but if you exercise regularly, serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine levels will increase in addition to the time after workout to the whole 24 hours.

The best way to get the most out of your workout is to train in the open air and when you also have fun - for example, dance workouts or team games, and it is important to train harder at least a few times a week. Interval training is very good.

I go to dance classes 2-3 times a week and run the rest of the days - sometimes in the woods and sometimes at the seaside. To make it more fun, I listen to books.