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A book recommendation, that shows us the path to a relaxed and fluid life from Leo Babauta.

2020-03-09 11:45:29

The book was published in english in 2011, “The Effortless LIfe“ and has been written collectively with the interest of people around the world. Since Leo Babauta is the author of the popular website “Zen Habits“, many users have contributed to the compilation and editing of this book.

I listened to this book myself some time ago in audio, as I was running at the same time. I'm reviewing it now and trying to remember things, that talked to me more and stayed in my memory.

The book provides initial guidance on what you should not do to avoid feeling the external pressures, that bring us problems and worries, such as creating false needs, unnecessary expectations, doing something unwillingly, constantly hurrying and, of course, suggesting that you do no harm! Likewise, it gives you tips that you could do instead: be compassionate, passionate, patient, be there with your thoughts when you do something, find satisfaction, take time, prefer giving up. Each of these tips is also explained in more detail by the author, giving examples of how to apply them in everyday life.

One writers friend and Zen monk taught him something important and enlightening, which was, that he gave equal importance to all actions and moments in his life, always trying to focus on the present moment, be it walking from the table to the sink or the moment we cut off the computer work to talk to a colleague. In our consciousness, we do not register voids such as these breaks of activity. But if, instead, we give them the same weight as we give to something important, what will a day be like when filled with such important gaps? The result is, that our senses are livelier, the day is slower and more balanced. We need less effort and have less stress. That way, the things we tend to overemphasize and dramatize become less important.

The author also gives good nutrition advice by consuming himself mainly natural, unprocessed plant foods and reducing the proportion of sweets, animal foods, processed cereal products, sugar drinks and fried foods. He also outlines some healthy food recipes.

As far as parenting is concerned, the author believes, that the primary task of a parent is to keep the children alive and prevent from spoiling them, which means that the less we intervene, teach them and help them with their schoolwork, the better. Instead, we could spend more time with them and let them learn, what interests them more. This way, they will enjoy learning and be better prepared for independent living.

Relationships are probably the most complex things in our lives. How can we simplify them? If we learn to live in the present moment and do not think about the injustices of the past and give up our expectations towards others and accept people as they are. When communicating, one should not think about what has happened or what will come later. Instead, it is worth enjoying the time with this person, paying close attention, and being grateful for the meeting. This does not mean, that we should let everyone sit on our head, but rather, that we do not expect people to behave differently in our minds.

But how can we enjoy working? How to make work a play and a pleasure? Or how do we get rid of things, that are not satisfying? This and much more is discussed by the author in this book. The book is not very voluminous, but it is concise.
