Kora Karel

Graphic Designer

Kora Karel

Graphic Designer

2023-03-07 07:59:16

😂😂😂 JOKE ! 

A couple has their apartment painted over.

 In the evening, on returning from the office, the husband, believing that it is dry, puts his hand on a door and leaves fingerprints. 

The next day, when the painter arrives, the woman says to him: 

– Come into the bedroom, I will show you the place where my husband put his hand last night… And the other responds: 

– Without wanting to offend you, madam, I would prefer a glass of wine…

Kora Karel

Graphic Designer

2023-03-06 13:31:59

Joke of the day ! 

The head of the ophthalmology department of a large hospital is retiring. 

During his farewell drink, his colleagues, collaborators and friends offer him a large modern art painting representing a huge eye. 

So the ophthalmologist whispers softly: 

– Fortunately, I am not a gynecologist

Kora Karel

Graphic Designer

2023-03-03 15:46:59

Marcel is tired of being the laughingstock of his bistro friends because (they tell him)

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