Kora Karel

Graphic Designer

Kora Karel

Graphic Designer

2022-11-17 01:29:53

 - Oh ! apologize, so I'm flying away, the student replies. 

Ashamed of having been fooled so stupidly, the teacher decides to stick him during the test the following week, but the student answers all the questions perfectly. So the teacher asks him a little problem: 

-You are in the street and you find two bags, one contains banknotes and the other intelligence, which one do you choose? 

– The bag full of tickets, answers the student. 

– Me, in your place, I would have chosen intelligence! 

– People always take what they don’t have, answers the student. The professor swallows his rage, but he takes the student's paper and writes in the margin: "ASSHITCH". 

The student takes his copy, goes to sit down and after a few minutes, he comes back.

 - Sir, he said to him, you signed but you forgot to put me a note!


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