Mik-el Tech

Web & Computer

Ho vinto il concorso di programmazione 3D Holohackathon! Premio Speciale

2021-09-29 22:00:00

Il concorso รจ terminato, e il videogioco che ho programmato, con supporto al 3D senza occhialini, ha vinto un premio speciale!

Mik-el Tech

Web & Computer

How to install 3D-optimized Rom for ZTE K3DX-V5G

2021-09-28 22:37:01

I made this guide to show you how to improve Stereoscopic 3D on this 3D smartphone with K3DX technology.

Mik-el Tech

Web & Computer

How to Adapt a Zopo Battery for EStar Takee 1

2021-09-13 09:29:43

Original batteries for the Takee 1 sold on the web are exhausted, if you want to install a new a more powerful battery, follow this guide!

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