Giovanni ROCCHIO

Founder Starter

2020-10-16 11:51:40

REASONS FOR LR You deserve success. Immediate, lasting, without compromises and with a strong partner by your side. As one of the most successful direct sales enterprises in Europe, we are offering people the chance to significantlyimprove their lives on a daily basis. Our secret?????

Giovanni ROCCHIO

Founder Starter

Giovanni ROCCHIO

Founder Starter

Beirut, violenta esplosione: 50 morti e 2.750 feriti | video

2020-08-05 11:26:04

Beirut, violenta esplosione: 50 morti e 2.750 feriti | videoDue forti esplosioni a Beirut, nella zona del porto hanno causato, secondo un primo bilancio preliminare del ministero della Salute, almeno 50 morti e 2.750 feriti. Colpiti in maniera non grave anche due militari italiani del contingente

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