Gattuak Ruot


2021-10-21 22:33:50

What cheap supermarket beef cuts can be cooked closest to restaurant style steak? What are some things to look for? First of all we have to ask *why it's cheap?* The reasons can vary, maybe because it is little old yet not spoiled. If so, you can depend on marination by anything acidic (yogurt or veniger for example), with little spices and fresh grilled vegetables it is going to be amazing

Gattuak Ruot


2021-10-21 22:23:55

What is your favorite pub menu food item?

I don’t frequent pubs and bars because I don’t drink any alcohol. When I do go I always opt for the platter for sharing. For me its usually a tea, coffee or iced tea. What i usually go for are the chicken wings and french fries. I like calamari and dry ribs too. Because it’s often i tend to want everything a variety is a must, since i only go to a pub once a year or two and its just for the wings.

Gattuak Ruot

2021-10-21 22:21:47
What's for dinner tonight? Please include a picture, recipe and approximate cost.

I won’t know what’s for supper tonight until I go to the market. Varying shelves are empty from day to day, so I kinda just wander and make something up out of what’s available. But I can tell you what I made last night. Nothing in the market looked much good, at least nothing in my price range, so I made something out of stuff I already had.

It was a fried rice sort of thing, but I don’t have high enough heat to make the real deal, plus, crappy wok. Everyone liked it though. So here’s the picture:

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