Adjibayé ZulKifl AFFOLABI

Adjibayé ZulKifl AFFOLABI

CAM.TV is a social network similar to Belacam or webtalk that remunerates its members for their activities. You earn money by inviting, publishing articles, sponsoring investors and sharing your channel with your loved ones. At registration you receive 100 Likecoins worth 1 Euro (650 FCFA) and you also receive 1 euro for each person who registers with your referral link. It should be noted that direct registration is not rewarded, so you have to go through a referral link. You can also make money when someone like one of your posts. but the quickest way to make money with the site is to become a founding member by taking a paid subscription giving you the right to dividends on the profits of the site. Step by Step Guide: Registration 1- Sign up with your Gmail or Facebook account: ✋ 2- Pass the certification test by providing the information you will be asked and checking your phone number certification to become a certified member and enjoy all the benefits of the site Here are the steps to follow: 1- Click on the notification bell on the right of your screen 2- You will see a message asking you to certify your account to have 50 likecoins (0.5 Euro). Click on the message 3- Enter the information that will be requested and save 4- Skip the next step that asks you to see your referrals. 5- Enter your phone number and submit. A code will be sent to you by message on the number you have entered. 6- Then enter the code you received to certify your account and have the 50 extra likecoins Register here, it's free: Link 👇 👇 👇 👇

Adjibayé ZulKifl AFFOLABI

" L'éducation est l'arme la plus puissante pour changer le monde" Nelson Mandela Prévoyez l'éducation de vos enfants...

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