The Balance of life

Spiritualità & Filosofia

The Balance of life

Spiritualità & Filosofia

Following our dreams can be a challenge

2018-07-17 12:02:35

“Before a dream is realized, the soul of the world tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this, not because it is evil, but shows that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we have learned as we moved towards that dream. When the real test come that is the point when most of the people give up.” from an interview with Paulo Coelho

The Balance of life

Spiritualità & Filosofia

Madre Teresa

2018-07-11 21:18:52

e grandi verità...

The Balance of life

Spiritualità & Filosofia

Il sogno

2018-07-09 10:19:24

Se hai un sogno coltivalo!

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