Shahed Khan

2021-06-13 14:12:41

🤔 What is your Webtalk status❓

🤔 Is your account set up so that you can earn money 💰❓

You must complete these 3 steps to earn money on Webtalk:

1. Complete your Webtalk profile.

2. Enroll in the free Cash Rewards program.

3. Set up a payment method.

You will NOT earn the $5 Sign up Bonus if you have not linked up a payment account.

Press #ShahedKhan or type it in the Newsfeed search bar to see more of my posts.

Have fun creating posts, scrolling your Newsfeed, talking to your friends, family, & business contacts & interacting on their posts, inviting others to join Webtalk, & earning money 💰 every day on Webtalk‼️

#Earn #5SignupBonus #Rewards

Shahed Khan

2021-06-13 14:09:14

Webtalk VS Other Social Media

1. unlimited connection's possibility (if you are pro platinum) whereas Facebook offers only 5000 connections.

2. Social syndication is attached, one post is enough to share it on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack FB don't allow this at this stage.

3. Facebook is the largest free workforce company, you work there & get nothing in return till your page is not monetized. Here in Webtalk one can start earning as soon as he/she joins free

4. Webtalk offers social CPX, a fantastic affiliate marketing plan where you can earn 50% of webtalk's market revenue in FB, we don't see such sort of thing at all.

5. The CEO is approachable, they are open to listen, quite a great team of experts.

6. If you are FREE member & refer a pro customer (within Beta phase, till 1M pro registrations or done) your 5 levels gone. Registrations are done) your 5 levels going to be active for earning streams (ad pool commissions & pro commissions)

7. The FREE money could make a 2nd source of active residual income if you work in proper way.

***** NOTE : Please comment with your findings about the difference in both

#digitalmarketing #WebtalkVsFacebook #webtalkSocialMedia #ShahedKhan #influencermarketing

Shahed Khan

2021-06-09 14:06:32

Dear Cam TV Users, WEBTALK’S FREE CASH REWARDS PROGRAM | Earn Free Money as a Webtalk Member.

How Do You #Earn_Points That Convert To Cash and#Paid_Monthly

* Earn points for #Engagement,

* Earn points for #Posting_Great_Content and for #referrals_to_people,

* Earn points for #Post_Views

* Earn points for #Page_Views

* Earn points for #Watching_Videos

* Earn points for #Daily_Engagement

* Earn from your referrals when you invite them to join Webtalk and connect with you (Earn when they invest their time and/or money)

*Share your Referral link with your member family, friends and colleagues to invite them to this Greatest opportunity for success And Earn from them when they invest their time and/or money.

Be Active, Post daily if you can, Invite and Invite and support!!

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Here is My YouTube Channel link:

Please, don't forget to #subscribe, more videos are coming & thanks.

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