Michele Furlan

Founder President

A step forward in Artificial Intelligence

2018-11-20 08:25:09

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are one of the cores of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Usually these algorithms are relatively slow and quite demanding in terms of resources. Now a team of scientists working at the University of Pavia implemented a ANN quantum-information based algorithm implemented on quantum PC, showing exponential advantage in encoding resources over alternative, classical realisations. Original article: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.02266.pdf

Michele Furlan

Founder President

Reducing water pollution with graphene

2018-11-20 08:08:55

Graphene is a wonderful material with quite interesting properties and applications. Recently, several companies started to commercialise graphene-based products, with some applications in reducing environmental pollution. One of the major applications on this side is made by GRAPHENE LEADERS CANADA INC, a company that developed a selenium-absorbent graphene-based filter able to reduce water pollution. Goes without saying: This can provide quite a lot of people with fresh, clean water - and can help to clean up our beautiful planet. Original article: http://grapheneleaderscanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/GLC-Press-Release-GLC-Water-Technology-Platform.pdf

Michele Furlan

Founder President

Asian mega-city: an inch closer to Blade Runner

2018-11-18 10:08:01

When I watched Blade Runner, I thought that that kind of future was far away from my present. Perhaps I should recalibrate my expectations (Original article: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/nov/16/i-felt-like-i-had-seen-the-future-capturing-japan-megacities-tokyo-shanghai)

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