Michele Furlan

Founder President

AI: government and research initiatives

2019-02-12 08:42:35

Recently the interest toward AI has been growing quite rapidly. Two new initiatives depict well the wide enthusiasm about AI systems. On one side, the US government released an executive order that stresses the need to prioritise the allocation of funding to AI Research and Development (A). On the other side, one of the three projects competing for $1 billion of research funding focuses on developing AI enhancements for human capabilities (B). So, AI systems are becoming ubiquitous, are improving rapidly, and they start to be applied to human enhancements. Perhaps we are truly heading toward some sort of technological singularity. Original links: (A) https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-maintaining-american-leadership-artificial-intelligence/ (B) https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00541-y

Michele Furlan

Founder President

AI and robotics: impact on our society

2019-02-12 08:12:47

A fairly long but interesting talk about potential effects of robotics and AI on our society. These technologies might result in a cascade of problems or a cascate of solutions. Either way, whatever the effect, the net product will most likely be disruptive.

Michele Furlan

Founder President

AI & bionic prosthesis

2019-01-28 08:30:46

Usually, bionic prostheses require hours of work in order to be correctly adjusted to the specific biomechanics of a patient. Recently, a new application of AI has been applied to this field, speeding up the tuning of the parameters required to fit a robotic knee. The result is quite impressive: instead of spending hours, the reinforcement-learning technique automatically tuned the robotic knee, enabling the prosthetic wearers to walk smoothly on level ground within 10 minutes. Original article: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8613842

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