Kilian Schulz

Founder Senior

2024-02-20 06:37:09

Entdecke jetzt die bahnbrechende Fusion aus klassischen Arcade-Spielen, dem Hype von Pokémon Go und dem nostalgischen Charme von Tamagotchi: GenoPets, das neueste Blockchain-Spiel von Solana!

Tauche ein in eine Welt voller Abenteuer und spannender Herausforderungen, während du deine einzigartigen GenoPets aufziehst und trainierst. Doch das ist noch nicht alles – mit unserem innovativen NFT-Belohnungssystem und unserer eigens kreierten Kryptowährung wirst du nicht nur stundenlangen Spielspaß erleben, sondern auch mit einzigartigen Belohnungen für deine Leistungen in der virtuellen Welt belohnt.

Bereit, das ultimative Spielerlebnis zu erleben? Klicke jetzt auf den Link, um GenoPets herunterzuladen und sofort einzutauchen!

Kilian Schulz

Founder Senior

2023-01-04 18:47:58

Heute Morgen verstarb mein Wecker um 05:50 Uhr an einem Wandunfall .

Ich bin untröstlich und nachdem ersten Schock jedoch eins:


Spaß muss sein 😃


Kilian Schulz

Founder Senior

2021-12-26 13:06:19

Imagine you were born in 1900.

When you're 14

World War I begins

and ends at 18 years old

with 22 million dead.

Shortly after, a global pandemic Flu called 'Spanish' ", kills 50 million people.

You come out alive and free.

You are 20 years old.

Then, at 29, you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing Inflation, Unemployment, and Hunger.

At 33, the nazis come to power.

You turn 39 when World War II starts and ends at 45. During the Holocaust (Holocaust), 6 million Jews die.

There will be over 60 million deaths in total.

When you're 52, the Korean War begins.

At age 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends at age 75

A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and disasters.

A Man or Woman born in 1995 and now 26 years old thinks it's the end of the world when his or her Amazon package takes over three days to arrive or when he or she doesn't get more than 15 likes for their photo posted on Facebook or Instagram.

In 2021, many of us live comfortably, have access to different sources of home entertainment, and often have more than we need.

None of this existed before.

Hence the reason why it's important for us to often look back at history so we can appreciate how far we have come and how much we have accomplished together. We should be grateful.


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