Pixie Jars

NFT Collection - Ethereum Blockchain

Pixie Jars

NFT Collection - Ethereum Blockchain

Pixie Jars | SOLD-OUT

5000 cute NFT avatars with over 500 different personality traits! View full collection and trade your Pixies on OpenSea marketplace | Women Led Project ✨🧚‍♀️

Each Pixie has it's own personality, ready to take over the NFT space with feminine power. Some feisty, some bubbly, some shy. Each Pixie has her own set of unique traits and attributes. With hundreds of different traits, no Pixie is the same as another

View full collection on OpenSea marketplace ✨🎀 Click on the button below and connect with your MetaMask ✨🎀

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Secondary market (prices, listings, traits, volume traded) 


Rarity tool (traits, rarity, rank) 
