Marie Kuijken in Concert

Classical music from my home

Marie Kuijken in Concert

Classical music from my home

“Bach Blossoms“ - Concert in live streaming from my home

2021-03-25 21:58:53

A Garland of Preludes and Fugues from J.S.Bach's “Well-tempered Clavier“ Spend some mindful time listening to these gems of baroque harpsichord music

Directly from her home in Italy, Marie Kuijken brings you a selected series of these marvelous pieces played on her beautiful two-manual harpsichord, while introducing you with a few words into this finest musical universe.
Musica medicina dolorum: quite like those other "Bach Blossom" remedies, you can use these musical flowers to move yourself into a state of major inner harmony. Each Prelude or Fugue has its particular atmosphere, where you can dwell in and come back to, over again. By listening several times, you will savour this music evermore, and feel its harmony come over you, like the beauty of spring flowers.

SparrowLive is a live streaming platform specialized in classical music, that has the mission to connect artists directly with their public, and to bring classical music towards a broader public. That's why during the performance I give some little words if explanation about the program, in an accessible way. So if you don't know anything about the Well-tempered Clavier (or even about Bach), you're very welcome to discover it for the first time tomorrow! 🍀🍀🍀

The event has its première 26th of March at 8PM. If you buy a ticket, you will be able to experience the concert as many times as you wish during a full month. 

When you buy a concert ticket on SparrowLive, your money goes directly and nearly exclusively to the performing artist! In this way you can support musicians in these very challenging times, that have seen public performances postponed and cancelled since a full year. 
Bringing concerts in streaming directly from my home is one of my ways to stay musically  active and joyful throughout this period. This is my second concert on SparrowLive, I hope many others will follow.

My most sincere thanks for your support! I hope you will enjoy the Bach Blossoms 🌺🌺🌺

by Marie Kuijken