Luca Furlan sw

Founder Executive

"Senza Titolo"

2020-06-24 16:11:39

Nuovo Video Anteprima per il pubblico di

Luca Furlan sw

Founder Executive

"Moderatamente Lento" per i 1088 Fans di una mia anteprima Demo da ascoltare con cuffie. Grazie per l'attenzione ....................................... "Moderately Slow " for the 1088 Fans of a demo preview of mine to listen with headphones. Thanks for the attention

Luca Furlan sw

Founder Executive

Per i 1049 fans di "Immagini e Realtà" Demo Version Consiglio l'ascolto con cuffie. ........................................... For the 1049 fans Demo version "Images and Reality" I recommend listening with headphones Translate: "Even today standing with the sound of six o' clock and who sleeps in the next room still doesn't know who you are Beloved and patience that the way is slow and you know it's better not to pester on this dead time that no one will ever return you, never, never, never, never And you're passing the thirty lost among those numbers in the LEDs. You're trudging and you're uphill, you can't see them but they're like you, They 're looking for you, there's the game... tomorrow you'll have new phrases to spit at the bar and meanwhile half of your weekend is gone"

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