Charles Williams

1. Meat You may think that fruits and vegetables are more contaminated than other foods. However, meat is possibly the food with the most pesticides. This is because many of these pesticides are soluble in fat, and these substances are deposited in the fatty tissue of meat and therefore consumed by people. Not only that, but meats also contain antibiotics, drugs and hormones. Fish are even more dangerous, as some may contain large amounts of heavy metals. For example, tuna contains mercury. 2. Soft drinks Soft drinks may seem delicious and harmless, but they contain large amounts of sugar. Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of sugar per 330-milliliter can, which is about 10 sugar cubes. Logically consuming one or two cans a week is not bad, but daily and prolonged consumption of this substance does us no good. The soft drinks also contain Aspartic acid and Femilamine, substances that cause damage to brain cells, brain tumors and raise the acidity of urine creating susceptibility to urinary tract infections.

Charles Williams

Human beings need to be well nourished to enjoy a healthy organism. Healthy food provides us with different macronutrients and micronutrients that have different functions: energetic, structural, transport... Unfortunately, because of the capitalist society in which we live, large food companies use a great deal of chemicals and pesticides in food that damage our health. Alert with some dangerous and harmful foods Every day we eat foods that look natural but have been treated with deadly poisons. Most of the time it is not necessary to worry about this, since the doses that are administered are totally safe. However, the American NGO Environmental Working Group (EWG) claims that there are foods that contain up to 20 different types of pesticides. As the EWG warns, "even in small doses, these pesticides can be harmful to babies and young children, so you always have to be cautious. There are also foods that contain other harmful substances such as trans fats, which are not beneficial to our body. But what are these foods? Below is a list of foods that are dangerous to your health.

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