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Sport makes you smart and happy.

2019-04-25 19:13:07

Humans are made to move. Life without activity and without purpose causes depression. Running in the forest, on the other hand, is as good as psychotherapy against depression. Already 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day is enough.

Particularly  good is a dance training for example, that keeps the brain in greater activity, because it is necessary to think and remember the combinations of movements. Good is also running, cycling, swimming, skiing, because they help our mind to relax. Movement facilitates the creation of new connections in the brain and thus the constant renewal of the brain. Regular workouts help to keep us from diseases like Alzheimer's. Moving improves memory, it helps to study new things much faster while moving, so it's especially useful to listen to audio books or learn something, for example, during a forest run.

A light physical effort allows us to see the world in happier colors, because the body begins to produce good mood hormones. When the muscles move, the brain releases more hormones (such as serotonin and endorphin) that increase the mood. For some sportsmen, it is not strange to get into euphoria, for example during a marathon run, where the effort is greater, because small endocannabinoids produce the same effect in the body as those who smoke cannabis. This does not mean, that running a marathon is healthy, but rather 30 minutes to an hour of sports a day at a calm pace and then a couple of times a week of interval training, where you switch from running really fast to slow down. 

Many people do not tolerate sports, because it requires effort and drives them to sweat. But for this, the so-called reward system in the brain of the human being, is invented.The brain relieves the good mood hormones to the body. In addition, if you set yourself some achievable goals, the victory over the lazy whistle inside us is certain. Knowing, that something has been done for yourself will also scare away the depression.

I go running every day for about an hour. When I listen to audio books, I run at a calm pace. In order to be able to do interval training a few times a week, I listen to music in the meantime, because it helps to increase the pace.