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One book, that teaches you how to work with energies, meditate and develop your healing skills.

2020-01-21 12:09:25

The book was originally published in english 2016 "The Art of Spiritual Healing: Chakra and Energy Bodywork" .

The book might be more suitable for those, who have already been exposed to spiritual healing or to spiritual practices in general, because it is quite concise and relatively complex, at least in my opinion, but a good helper for healers. However, it can also benefit ordinary people.

Because meditation plays a central role in healing, and breathing plays an important role by meditation, the book begins by teaching you different breathing techniques and how to connect and balance your power centers.

The second chapter deals with meditation, the third with remote-viewing, -influence and -assessment. Another book I recently covered here ("T.I.M.E. by Dr. Terry D. King, Ph.D., DMin) deals with a similar topic, teaching remote sensing to military personnel, but in this book here for healing purposes.

The following chapters talk more about different breathings and yoga, and interesting things about people's aura. The book teaches you to see, observe, and heal your and other peoples aura.

There is also talk of healing with hands, the cleaning and healing the chakras.

Further, the author deals and explains separately various health problems and diseases such as depression, stomach problems, burnout, hyperactivity, kidney stones, ulcerative colitis and others.

In the book, the author introduces a variety of healing techniques, explains the concept of karma, teaches character healing (discipline, courage, determination, patience, not causing harm, etc.), and talks about various massages and therapies.

I listened to this book myself in audio because I was running at the same time, but it would be good to actually read such a book, because it has photos, that teach the right postures and attitudes to do exercises. Nor can you practice meditations or breathing exercises while running. It is good to read the book gradually step by step, taking breaks in the meantime to try different breathing techniques and meditation exercises. At the same time, this book is very well suited for a beach vacation reading to restore your balance.