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A book about anxiety and phobia - the symptoms of depression ...

2020-03-01 11:54:47

The author is Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D., published in english in 2000. The book outlines the different symptoms of depression, their causes and treatment.

In the book the author explains the concept of anxiety disorders and identifies possible causes, gives good tips on treatment methods, and teaches relaxation techniques, that many therapists are using. Because anxiety disorders often cause panic attacks, which are very unpleasant, because people feel very bad during them, the book is a great help in dealing with and preventing panic attacks.Anxiety and panic are common symptoms of depression.Depression is often accompanied by various phobias, which the book discusses in detail and teaches, for example, how to overcome them through desensitization.Because one of the causes of depression is negative internal speech - bad thoughts, the book points out, that we learn to notice and change them.A person, who has no experience of depression, but has a loved one, who is struggling with the disease, will find much needed information on how to support the person and understand his concerns at all.Because one of the causes of depression is unhealthy nutrition, the book also talks about which foods contribute to depression and which, on the other hand, are good.The book also talks about tablet treatment, although by now it's been couple of decades since writing this book and much more has been learned about depression, but I still recommend reading it, because there are many things, that can help us better understand depression. In fact, we are all on the scale of depression, and depending on our current state, we may be at the beginning of the scale, for example, with occasional sleep problems. Therefore, it is useful reading for all people. This is how we can notice the first symptoms, because often people are somewhere in the middle of this scale for many years and move quietly closer to the red line until at one point panic attacks are a constant state, you can feel yourself so bad, that you can't go to work, you can't eat, sleep or get out of bed. It is said, that healing from depression takes about the same amount of time as it has been taking to come to that, the minimum time to consider yourself to be healed, is six months. But that does not mean, that we can now continue with our former lifestyle. Because in that case, the disease is back in full tours after the end of the tablet cycle. The book teaches us to make changes in our lifestyle, that will gradually bring healing.Depression is a disease, that affects our physical health as well as our mental, our emotions and our behavior. At the physical level, active exercise, breathing techniques, muscle relaxation techniques, as taught in this book, healthy eating, creative activities, meditation practice and yoga can all help, as they relax and help improve and silence the inner speech. Emotional tensions can be alleviated by learning to identify and express one's feelings. Behaviorally, phobias can be overcome by imagination and by desensitization in reality. On a spiritual level, observing and changing inner speech positively, replacing one's beliefs with realistic thoughts and assumptions, help reduce anxiety.For some people, lack of purpose in life can create fertile ground for panic attacks and phobias. In this case, reading various self-development books concerning our existence, our purpose in life, is helpful. The writer points out another his book on the subject: "Beyond Anxiety and Phobia. A Step-by-Step Guide to Lifetime Recovery", which is well suited for those, who are interested in the meaning of life and spirituality.In this book, as well as in the mentioned book, the writer teaches relationship with our higher power, that help to build peace of mind, confidence, security, the ability to offer and receive unconditional love and guidance from higher power.If we lose someone or something, that gave sense to our lives, it is a good breeding ground for depression. But as we study more, we realize, that life is a school and we came here to learn, not to possess things or cling to people, and the primary meaning and purpose of life is, that life is a "classroom" for awareness and we come here to learn unconditional love and to become better and smarter, to gain a variety of experiences, that enrich us.I have this book on paper, otherwise I listen to audio-books, because it is more fun to run this way and by active moving we remember things much better.