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5 books, that i read again from time to time

2019-03-28 16:14:27

In recent years, I have mostly listened to audio books, but I still have some real books at home too. Starting with one of my favorites from years ago, which was:

1) Sandra Anne Taylor's 2006 "Quantum Success" 
The Astounding Science of Wealth and

I have read it at least 5 times. This writing about quantum success teaches you, how to achieve everything you dream about, based on the principles of quantum physics, truly powerful forces, that can help us make our dreams come true. This writer is an appreciated lecturer, advisor and consultant, who has been a psychologist in her private practice for a long time.
I call it "doctrine of wishes come true", because the book deals with the law of attraction and manifestation; nice reading, because the book is written in a positive way.

2) Stefan Klein, "The Science of Happiness" or How Our Brains Make Us Happy - and What We Can Do to Get Happier

Written by a german physicist and writer Stefan Klein,  a book that i found 2015 in a bookstore. The writing has actually been published in Germany already in 2002 and that one became my new favorite, it speaks about brain researches, which have been made in last 20 years, written enthusiastically and brings many examples of experiments with mice and monkeys. The writing deals with different topics, talks about the functioning of hormones, genes, mediating us the knowledge of the emergence of the emotions, based on the discoveries of philosophers, psychologists, medics, neurophysiologists and behavioral scientists. Soon I also plan to write a review of this book.

3) "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay,

who I already know from other books, that i have listened as audio-books, such as " The Power is Within You", "All Is Well" (Heal your body with medicine, affirmations and intuition), co-authored by Mona Lisa Schulz, and then "Meditations To Heal Your Life". The book opens up the backdrop of thinking patterns, that cause our illnesses, provides exercises to do on a regular basis and opens up other secrets of the universe. This writer is also a lecturer and teacher of metaphysics, in 1981 she started as a church preacher, later she founded a publishing house.

4) "Man and Woman" by a russian writer Anatoly Nekrassov

It was published in 2009 by Pegasus publisher in Estonia (it is in estonian language and i actually did not find this book translated in english) and deals with topics such as: Can you deceive a loved one, without betraying yourself ?, What is betrayal? or How to make sure, if it is true love? and many other topics about problems in life and relationships. Popular writings of Anatoly Nekrassov, such as "Big Family", "Mother`s Love", "Psychological Portraits of Cities" and "Living Thoughts" have been translated and published in english.

5) "The Power of NOW" by Eckhart Tolle

Teaches to live in the moment, because if you are not happy here and now, when will you, because we always have only the current moment. He also offers a variety of meditation exercises to practice, so that our head would not be full of toxic or useless thoughts.