
Founder President


Founder President

COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster...!!!

2020-04-01 14:04:51

CORONAVIRUS :The italian COVID-19 Hospital (Naples 😎were i come from) were not one working to save lifes is infected. Operate in very strictly manner πŸ’‘ Watch and Share globally please...!!!


Founder President

The past is in the past. Leave it there and let God pull you out of the pit. Think with me for a moment. Life gets tough. We live in a fallen world where people and things are not functioning the way God intended. This world isn't just broken, it's terribly broken. Life here is really hard. No matter what anyone says. We all face all kinds of difficulties, big and small. People will disappoint you. They will hurt you right after you help them. My prayer is that you'd never forget that God created you on purpose for a purpose. Don't complain about the pain, but consider it pure joy. It's easy to forget our greatest blessing: By God's grace He sent Jesus to the cross to rescue us, forgive us, without complaint, willingly He died for us: Not only that, He died to be with you β€” not only on your perfect days, but through your painful ones too. Amen!


Founder President

New Season-New Reason .Time to evaluate and change what must be change and take step of Faith 😎. . See you on πŸ”πŸ”₯

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