Weslley Oliveira Dos Santos

"TRUSTING YOURSELF IS BELIEVING THAT YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LIFE" Just by believing in yourself, you have a great chance of changing your situation or your destiny. If you continue to have my thoughts, behaviors, emotions and attitude, surely you already know what your destiny will be. Now if you commit to change. Your destination will be different or even different than you can imagine. We human beings have a great capacity to constantly evolve, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, professionally and financially. I believe that we should not waste our capacity for evolution and also our power of choice. I see a large mass of people who have goals, plans, goals and big dreams or "just a dream", but a large number of people who reach approximately 92% to give up. This means that 8% manage to set goals, objectives and dreams, and 8%, 1% manage to have an extraordinary life and success in all areas of life. The various factors that cause this absurd number of people who give up can be political, socioeconomic, social difference, education and so on. But the great truth is that human beings need to know themselves, human beings need to know themselves, they need to know who they are, they need to know where they want to go, but in fact people are controlled by the system, they are influenced by others people and with that they lose their own ideas, creativity, choices and consequently do not believe in themselves, I acquired beliefs that limit their self-confidence. In order to get out of this situation, it is necessary that you create a new belief, a new way of thinking and after that change your behaviors and attitudes. Think of it this way: ✔FIRST: Believe in your dreams ✔SECOND: Trust that it will work ✔THIRD: Don't be afraid of making mistakes ✔ROOM: Be a friend of NO ✔FIFTH: Do little or big things, start doing no matter what ✔SIXTH: Seek Self-Responsibility, you are solely responsible for your life ✔SEVENTH, THE KEY TO SUCCESS: Believe in yourself, regardless of the circumstances! At this point I believe that you managed to understand my message, I hope I have helped and be aware that I will be addressing this subject again in more depth and, in practice. Thanks for your attention and have a great night!

Weslley Oliveira Dos Santos

Maturidade, depende do quanto você quer MUDAR e o quanto você quer APRENDER, sem MEDO de errar. 💪

Weslley Oliveira Dos Santos

Good morning to everyone! I wish you all a great day, a day of motivation, a day of accomplishment and another day of change. Always try to change 0.01% every day, try to do new things every day and stop procrastinating. Start thinking this way, think about evolving everyday, because it's already 2020 and I believe you don't want to stay the same. So let's change every day !? If you think you should change SHORT or If you have tried to change and failed, COMMENT how difficult it is. Bom dia para todos! Desejo a todos, um ótimo dia, um dia de motivação, um dia de realização e mais um dia de mudança. Sempre tente mudar 0,01% todos os dias, tente fazer coisas novas todos os dias e deixe de procrastinar. Comece a pensar dessa forma, pense em evoluir todos os dias, por que já estamos em 2020 e acredito que você não quer continuar na mesma. Então vamos mudar todos os dias!? Se Você acha que você deve mudar CURTA ou Se você já tentou mudar e não conseguiu, COMENTE qual é a sua dificuldade.

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