matteo stoppini

Per chi ama le mini di liquore, cercherò di postare qualche video che spero possa interessare e possa far crescere ed evolvere questa passione invogliando altre persone ad iniziare ad interessarsi alle mignonettes e a collezionarle.

matteo stoppini

A piece of history. An original 1922 Prohibition Prescription for Spirits Frumenti, the US pharmaceutical term for Whiskey. The whiskey was prescribed for Earl Headley, by Dr. James Morganstein, on October 7, 1922, and was filled the same day by Pharmacist, Ralph Rapp, of Rapp's Drug Store, in Easton, PA. It was issued by the Treasury Department and printed on pale blue paper with large Treasury Seals. (Liquori Mignon collection)

matteo stoppini

Miniature with monarchy seal, manifacture Pizzolotto in white opale material. The cap has been restored and the renainder of the label ( fragile and inbued with liquor) has been restored with strata of parafilm.

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