The number three is everything in this movie.
Three and its multiples. Archaic, spiritual, transcendent numbers.
Three, Six, Nine. Carriers of wisdom that lead us to the heart of theological monotheisms. Three, the Christian Trinity. Six, the points of the Star of David, The Jewish Star. Nine, the face of God in Sufi tradition, according to Islamic culture.
Three stories are intertwined in a land, Friuli, in the North-East of Italy, which extends along a triple border. The stories of Irene, a Carnian, Christian girl; Pavel, Ukrainian and Jewish; Mehdi, Iranian and Muslim.
Udine. A beautiful city, but one that is perceived as cold and inhospitable by emigrants. Pavel and Mehdi are illegal immigrants, who share an apartment - and concerns about social matters - in the “ghetto” of Via Roma.
In love with Pavel, Irene tries to help them, but her surge of solidarity goes perhaps too far, and she regrets it... Mehdi lives obsessed with ancient guilt: his fragile soul is attracted to Evil...
“Above” them, the incarnation of metaphysical realities that rule the existence of men, three antagonists who raise the total number of characters to six.
There is an old blind man, able to see beyond the phenomenal reality: an incarnation of Purgatory, the suffering of men waiting for a change of status.
Monsignor Angelo is Paradise, the spiritual father of Irene, which advices, rebukes, protects... A mysterious, provocative, sensual, poisonous woman is Evil, Hell incarnate.
The third triad of figures raises the number of characters to nine: the novice Edo, who takes responsibility for dealing with Pavel’s situation; Omar, a false friend who tries to corrupt the integrity of Mehdi; the Angel of the North, a figure originated in the Koranic tradition: it can be seen, sometimes behind the characters.
Then, ten, a little girl...
Predestination and moral choice. Two alternatives? Subjection to freedom of Good or Evil. What will the protagonists choose? A low-budget independent film, Three The Movie is the final cut of the original Trê - Sé - Shalosh (A trilingual, of course, title, Friulan, Farsi, and Hebrew). Starting with the reconstruction of the micro (?) universe of illegal immigrants in the Northeast of Italy, it opens up philosophical, visionary, surreal dimensions. To speak of equality in diversity.
To search for the Same in the Other. It is a poetic disenchantment.