Stefano MJ Nasini

THE ICON, Michael Jackson Tribute Show

Stefano MJ Nasini

THE ICON, Michael Jackson Tribute Show

2022-06-09 22:32:43

La gente è il più grande spettacolo del mondo e non si paga il biglietto

People are the greatest show in the world and you don't pay for the ticket

La gente es el mejor espectáculo del mundo y no pagas la entrada

#show #stage #light #michaeljackson #stefanomjnasini #theicon #likesforlike #followers #workinprogress #workhard

Stefano MJ Nasini

THE ICON, Michael Jackson Tribute Show

2022-06-06 20:04:40

Oggi, stavo osservando i miei sacrifici di questi anni di lavoro per la creazione di The Icon, diverse cose stanno prendendo quota e ciò mi rende felice e soddisfatto. Presto ve le svelerò, it's all for L.O.V.E.

Today, I was observing my sacrifices of these years of work for the creation of The Icon, several things are taking off and that makes me happy and satisfied. I'll reveal them to you soon, it's all for L.O.V.E.

Hoy, estaba observando mis sacrificios de estos años de trabajo para la creación de The Icon, varias cosas están cobrando impulso y eso me hace feliz y satisfecho. Te los revelaré pronto, todo es por A.M.O.

#red #mood #michaeljackson #stefanomjnasini #pose #smile #photo #theicon #likeforlikes #set #shooting

Stefano MJ Nasini

THE ICON, Michael Jackson Tribute Show

2022-06-03 20:36:05

Smooth Criminal.

#michaeljackson #smoothcriminal #stage #show #likeforliketeam #blackandwhite #mood #moonwalk #followme #stefanomjnasini

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