Spiritual HeArt Paintings

Art & Entertainment

What do you see in it? / Cosa vedi in questo dipinto?

2020-07-08 07:06:56

This painting came unexpected. I just wanted to work with blue and gold. I’m always fascinated from what comes without expectations. / Questo dipinto è arrivato in modo inaspettato. Volevo unicamente lavorare con il colore blu e l’oro. Sono sempre affascinata di ciò che arriva senza aspettative.

Spiritual HeArt Paintings

Art & Entertainment

"I didn't want it to be perfect" - Spiritual Painting

2020-06-09 19:58:48

Acrylic on canva. 50x60 cm. What do you see in it? Leave a comment. Let's spread good vibrations!

Spiritual HeArt Paintings

Art & Entertainment

“The Sacred Vibration of OM“ - Spiritual HeArt Paintings - Abstract Art

2020-06-01 07:33:05

The creative process is what matters most. See how this painting was created. Leave a “💗“, 1 or more LKS and a comment. Let's spread good vibrations!

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