ServisElectronic RIDI

Father and Son story. Son: Father how much do you earn for 1 hour work? Father got a little surprised and say: You dont need to know this. Son: Please father i need to know. Father : 70$ Son : Can i have 35$ from them? Father in anger shout to his son and his son went way in his room crying. But after thinking some minutes the father went to his son's room asking him : why do he need the 35$ he asked. Son : i have saved 35$ more and with 35$ i asked you I CAN MAKE 70$ and I CAN PAY YOU 1 HOUR OF WORK SO YOU DON'T GO TO WORK AND STAY WITH ME FOR 1 HOUR. So people try to work less and try to stay more with your family becouse time go fast. Borrowed.

ServisElectronic RIDI

Trackview This app is really useful for keeping an eye to your childrens , see their cam, location, etc... and is free for personal use. Can be used from pc and from phone. If you need help to config the app message me. pc : android: Iphone:

ServisElectronic RIDI

Sometime you need to back off, to save the others😎

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