Rhod Dela Vega

Goodvibes for everyone!!!

Rhod Dela Vega

Happy Weekend everyone! My work is almost done this week and looking forward for a great weekend with my family and friends. Hope you have a good one also! ❤❤❤

Rhod Dela Vega

https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/food/2019/jun/02/up-to-25-cups-of-coffee-a-day-safe-for-heart-health-study-finds Check this link and see how safe we are if we drink even 25 cups of coffee a day? Now we can say we're good..hahaha. I'm a Coffee drinker and i love mine as black 😁 but sometimes I drink bullet proof just for my Low Carb diet 😁, the picture says I had one Bullet Proof coffee earlier 😊😊😊. How about you guys? What's your fav coffee blends?

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