Reuben Iheanyichukwu

A snake come out of a burrow dug by giant rabbit, people think they are living peaceful in the same chamber.

Reuben Iheanyichukwu

This leaves known as clinic too far from your family. It is use to cure many tropical sickness ranging from malerial fever, lack of blood, body weakness, it is used many native dishes. It is used as leaf drink juice. Try it you will recommend it your family friends. Contact me if you need it.

Reuben Iheanyichukwu

Some leaves are used as soup souces . I n my Riverfolks kingdom, this leaf is called Hospital is too far. It means you can not get sick as long as you use this leaf to cook different native soups, peppers soups, food. When rinse or extract the juice from the leaves. Drink it ,it is a very rich as blood no tonic. Just try our natural blood tonic and anti disease leaf.

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