Panga Sandu Teodor यह कहानी है मनोज अवस्थी की - एक ऐसा आदमी जिसका वजन 40 साल की उम्र में 130 किलो था और जो लाइलाज बीमारियों के मुहाने पर खड़ा था।

Panga Sandu Teodor Private Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases has discovered a new cause of halitosis (mouth odor): infestation. A recently completed study reports that parasite waste products are toxic and create a breeding ground for putrefactive bacteria in the stomach. That is why people infected with parasites have bad breath.

Panga Sandu Teodor I want to share the story of how I defeated arthritis of my knee joints and osteochondrosis of my lumbar disc. I am not a doctor, so I cannot explain how it worked. I will just tell you what happened.

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