My Business Mantra

Comunica Quanto Vali Davvero

Il tuo Business Mantra

Il Metodo Lenares per trasmettere con una frase di 25 parole, meno di 15 secondi, il valore che proprio tu sai produrre con il tuo lavoro. Attrai l'interesse e le domande di chi ti ascolta, consegnagli un'immagine chiara del professionista che sei.

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Business Mantra Canvas
Questo è il Canvas, (letteralmente “la tela“), lo schema guidato con cui puoi creare i tuoi primi Business Mantra.

Una frase; Poche Potenti Parole che rendono MAGNETICO il racconto del tuo lavoro e mostrano il VALORE che proprio tu sai produrre per i tuoi clienti.

Che tu sia un Professionista della vendita o iscritto ad un Albo , un Manager o un Account Manager, un Freelance, un Promotore finanziario, un Private banker, Tecnico, che lavori da vent'anni o da tre mesi, non importa Se ti chiedo cosa fai sono curioso, voglio capire.

Ricevere una risposta «Mi occupo di...»  è davvero mortificante.

A casa tua, i tuoi, hanno capito che lavoro fai? Sanno spiegarlo ad altri che non ti conoscono? 

Ecco... dalla faccia so già la risposta. Guarda questo video, iscriviti e ne parliamo insieme.

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Why did «My Business Mantra» choose Cam.TV?

WEBSITE - Create your GROUP without social media around

With us, the control is in your hands. Forget the algorithms and restrictions of old social networks. About us, what you create is truly yours. Your site, your users, your rules, your earnings. Your group without social media around and without advertising Get rid of interference from users who are not in line with your goals. Using our advanced communication techniques, identify users who really interest you on old social networks and invite them into your safe space with your personal domain. Offer them valuable content, both free and paid, without distractions. No one will be able to decide for you what you can show and to whom.

EXCLUSIVE - Invite whoever you want into your digital home

Get rid of user interference that doesn’t align with your goals. Using our advanced communication techniques, identify users who really interest you on old social networks and invite them into your safe space with your personal domain. Offer them valuable content, both free and paid, without distractions.

FOCUS - No advertising and no distractions

Stay focused, and make sure your users are also solely focused on what you want to show them. Only in this way will you be able to achieve maximum effectiveness for your message and maximize monetization, if this is your goal

TUO - Tutela i tuoi asset

Building an authentic and independent digital identity as you know requires effort, time and money. Here, no Fact Checker or algorithm will be able to interfere with your fate without the possibility of appeal. Your space is sacred, the users are yours, and you set the rules. The value you create is yours and yours alone. Furthermore, with the certified signature of the contents, you will be able to better protect your intellectual property.

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