Mary Jean Jumento

Paying Attention To What Other People Think Will Only Slow You Down It’s inherently ingrained in our DNA to care about other people’s opinions. Pleasing people, in some ways, gives us slight satisfaction. But is this behavior really productive? Does it really benefit us by constantly worrying about what others have to say about us? Paying attention to what other people have to say will not ultimately help us prosper in life. Everybody talks. Everybody gossips. Everybody has something to say about someone else. That is just how the world works. And spending so much time wondering what impression or vibe you give to other people is only slowing you down. Your happiness matters over anyone’s comments. Your self-worth isn’t affected by how much people like you. Your overall well-being isn’t related to the number of likes you receive on social media. All good things come from within. What you think of yourself matters more than what other people think of you. Because, in the end, the only one who truly knows yourself inside out is you. Words from other people don’t define you. It’s your achievement and hobbies and passion and strength that define you. It’s your story that you’re curating that’s important. And you get to decide how you want to share it and tell it.

Mary Jean Jumento

Letting Go Is Learning How To Say No Some things are meant to be kept in the past. Some things end because they already served their purpose or because they weren’t supposed to stay with us until the end. That idea might be a hard pill to swallow but there’s just so much truth in it. All throughout our lives, we’re going to meet some people and eventually have to say goodbye to them. A breakup happened because the relationship didn’t work out. You switched job or career because it wasn’t exciting enough. You left a city or town because you felt like you belonged somewhere else. You turned around from something or someone because you knew you couldn’t move forward in your journey with them. Letting them go means learning to put them behind you. Letting them go means having the strength to say no when they try to pop out of your life again. Letting them go means choosing to go on in life with what you have now instead of carrying your past with you. Letting them go means being happy for the person that you are becoming without them. You’re not missing out on something big just because you’ve decided to completely close off a chapter of your life. The secret to truly moving on is to fully accept that some things are better left behind you. You’re able to welcome more people and opportunities and good memories if you clear some space inside of you. Letting them go is excruciating and at times difficult, but it’s the best thing that you can do for yourself and for your future.

Mary Jean Jumento

Beauty in the broken I know that no matter how broken you are right now, or no matter how bad your situation may seem there is still beauty in it. There is purpose for it. There is a purpose for every pain, trial and testing we face. I am sure of that. If you only learn to trust God that He is in full control and He has a plan for every thing. Everything will eventually turn out for your good. We have to learn and accept the fact that God is in full control and not us. Stop manipulating and pushing things. You cannot live on your own. You need help. You need people to encourage you, guide you and most importantly love you. You need God every single moment, every single day. Maybe, what you can start doing today is to change the way you see things. Start recalibrating your mind, start seeing good in every thing. And start to surrender every burden to God and allow Him to move in your midst. Let Go and Let God.