Maria Gioia Mosca

Top Founder Executive

Maria Gioia Mosca

Top Founder Executive

The most innovative research to show the efficiency of psychological method: The psychodrama and the active methods.

2018-07-08 10:18:50

Do you want to know if psychodrama method is an efficient method? The answer is Yes. After 7 years of research I have shown through a scientific instrument never used before in psychological field. It is a contribute, innovative point of observation. A bridge between mind and body, new possibility to go through. All my research/study will come soon. Thanking all psychodrama UNIVERSE and thanks to Moreno and Zerka who inspired me since 25 years. MGM

Maria Gioia Mosca

Top Founder Executive


2018-06-15 20:44:39


Maria Gioia Mosca

Top Founder Executive

Creatività oltre la Misura di uno Spazio ordinario...

2018-06-15 20:36:02

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