Julia Stephnie clare Mukalele

Dear Abused victims

2019-10-20 19:51:27

All women & men who survived abuse, rape,discrimination and all sorts of assaults, I just want to say Thank you for being strong, for not giving up on yourself and for being alive. You inspired us to believe in ourselfs and to have faith and hope and may God be with you and bless you. ❤️

Julia Stephnie clare Mukalele

Hey I'm Stephnie Clare😊❤️

Julia Stephnie clare Mukalele


2019-10-20 19:16:39

We live in a society where black people that see their fellow brothers/sisters as enemies.. Blacks are killing each other, Presidents and the state talks about changes their going to set to improve the economy but nothing has chance ever since..why are we doing this to ourselfs?

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