İbrahim Devrim Ozyurt

Founder Starter

#Visit in Pamukkale, Turkey.

2019-06-29 18:52:59

Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli in southwestern Turkey. The area is famous for a carbonate mineral left by the flowing water. It is located in Turkey's Inner Aegean region, in the River Menderes valley, which has a temperate climate for most of the year

İbrahim Devrim Ozyurt

Founder Starter

Beautiful TURKEY - property finding service

2019-06-22 10:40:58

Hello! I am Devrim, the FIRST FOUNDER from TURKEY. Hope i can meet most of your suggestions and I welcome you in my beautiful Turkey. Best Regards.

İbrahim Devrim Ozyurt

Founder Starter

Belek Ref 303, Turkey

2019-06-02 10:10:03

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