G Smith

Basic English course. Lesson 1 - How to answer the phone PROFESSIONALLY SPEAKING

2019-09-25 18:09:19

lezione 1 - basic professional telephoning.

Professional Telephoning course

1)Good morning/afternoon/evening,         MAI INIZIARE CON HELLO-MALEDUCATI

2)Pinko Pallino Srl                                         INIZIARE CON IL NOME DELLA AZIENDA

3)Mario Rossi speaking…                             POI IL VOSTRO NOME…POI...SPEAKING

Hello. This is Maria Jones from Pinka Pallina Spa.--------NON RISPONDERE SPEAKING 

Could I speak to Mr.Brown please?----------------COULD - FORMALE-PROFESSIONALE

Could you repeat your name again please?

Yes, it's ……                                   ----------------------MAI DIRE I AM….TROPPO SCOLASTICO

Thank you. I will put you through. Hold the line please.   PRONUNCIA (THROO)

....Hello , it's Mario here. I have Ms. Jones calling from Pinka Pallina Spa. Can you take the call?--------------------CAN INFORMALE Perché CONOSCI IL TIZIO AL TELEFONO.

Thank you, connecting you.......