Enzo Cortivo DRONE

Riprese aeree con Drone - video e foto

Servizi Foto e Video con DRONE a partire da € 50

Sono Enzo Cortivo e ti invito a seguire il mio Canale Cam.TV per ricevere aggiornamenti dei nuovi post con foto e video ripresi dal DRONE.Eseguo servizi foto e video con DRONE a partire da € 50.Contattami

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Servizi Foto e video aeree riprese in volo dal DRONE a partire da € 50


Video filmato di esempio ascesa con target su soggetto
Esempio di volo Drone in ascesa rapida avendo come target un soggetto.Il Drone, pur salendo di quota, effettua la ripresa video continuando a mirare il soggetto impostato.
Sorvolo con DRONE ai Castelli di Giulietta e Romeo di Montecchio Maggiore (VI)
Alcuni video fatti con DRONE ai Castelli di Giulietta e Romeo di Montecchio Maggiore (VI) nel mese di Aprile 2022
Sorvolo con DRONE alla Granfondo WHY SPORT Città di Valdagno (VI)
Alcuni video fatti con DRONE alla Granfondo WHY SPORT Città di Valdagno (VI) il 24 Aprile 2022
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Enzo Cortivo
Servizi Foto e Video aeree con DRONE
Email [email protected]
Telefono 3490826670
Indirizzo Via Ghirardini, 15 - 36070 Trissino (VI)
«Enzo Cortivo DRONE» also chose Cam.TV
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Why did «Enzo Cortivo DRONE» choose Cam.TV?

WEBSITE - Create your GROUP without social media around

With us, the control is in your hands. Forget the algorithms and restrictions of old social networks. About us, what you create is truly yours. Your site, your users, your rules, your earnings. Your group without social media around and without advertising Get rid of interference from users who are not in line with your goals. Using our advanced communication techniques, identify users who really interest you on old social networks and invite them into your safe space with your personal domain. Offer them valuable content, both free and paid, without distractions. No one will be able to decide for you what you can show and to whom.

EXCLUSIVE - Invite whoever you want into your digital home

Get rid of user interference that doesn’t align with your goals. Using our advanced communication techniques, identify users who really interest you on old social networks and invite them into your safe space with your personal domain. Offer them valuable content, both free and paid, without distractions.

FOCUS - No advertising and no distractions

Stay focused, and make sure your users are also solely focused on what you want to show them. Only in this way will you be able to achieve maximum effectiveness for your message and maximize monetization, if this is your goal

TUO - Tutela i tuoi asset

Building an authentic and independent digital identity as you know requires effort, time and money. Here, no Fact Checker or algorithm will be able to interfere with your fate without the possibility of appeal. Your space is sacred, the users are yours, and you set the rules. The value you create is yours and yours alone. Furthermore, with the certified signature of the contents, you will be able to better protect your intellectual property.

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