Delwin Padilla

Mom's cancer can occur in both men and women; However, it is much more common in women.Most women with breast cancer have no signs or symptoms during diagnosis. The signs and symptoms that should be analyzed with the doctor are detailed below. Many times, the cause of these symptoms may be another medical condition other than breast cancer. A lump that feels like a firm knot or a thickening of the mother or under the arm. It is important to palpate the same area of ​​the other mother to detect the change without sea, part of the healthy breast tissue of that area. Any change in the size or shape of the mother. Nipple discharge that occurs suddenly, contains blood or occurs only in a mother. Physical changes, such as the inverted nipple inward or a sore in the nipple area. Skin irritation or changes therein, such as roughness, dimples, scales or new folds. Warm, red and swollen breasts, with or without rash with roughness that resembles the skin of an orange, called "orange peel." Pain in the mother; particularly, sinus pain that does not go away.

Delwin Padilla


Delwin Padilla

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