Crypto Dimo

Permissioned vs. Permissionless Blockchains

2019-05-12 11:23:33

Blockchain networks have two major categories: permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks. Let’s see what is the difference between the two, how do they work, and what are their benefits.

Crypto Dimo

2+2+1 Keywords for Blockchain

2019-05-12 11:18:35

There are certain expressions you MUST know when talking about blockchain. In this article, we introduce 2+2+1 must know words from blockchain and the cryptocurrency market. The first two expressions are closely connected, while the last one by itself is too important to miss.

Crypto Dimo

What’s the Blockchain?

2019-05-12 11:12:52

The blockchain is a revolutionary technology for record keeping and transactions. It is a distributed ledger technology, which enables decentralized networks. As it is said: “Blockchain is for transactions what the internet was for communication”

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